Thanks to Brenda from Traveleira for nominating me for the Liebster Award!
The Liebster award was created to help promote new bloggers and expand their reach – basically it acts like a referral from one blogger to the next and you, the reader, to get to benefit from finding more new and interesting blogs!
It consists of 11 questions that the blogger answers and then they create 11 of their own questions and nominate more bloggers to pass the love on and share new blog discoveries.
The questions Brenda set for me:
1. Travelling in Summer or Winter?
This one is a tricky one! I love the different seasons, but I do think that I tend to prefer travelling in the Summer (apart from places where I want snow, like skiing holidays or seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland!)
2. The most special destination you have ever been in and why do you consider it like that.
Having visited 52 countries and counting I find this question really tricky to answer! I’m lucky to have visited some places that aren’t on the classic tourist trails yet and I think Burma (Myanmar) is probably up there as one of the most special destinations.
3. Do you prefer city, beach or countryside?
I don’t think I can choose one over the other – they are all different types of trips. My US travels included some of all three, with cities from East to West coast, beaches in Hawaii and hiking in the countryside when visiting the national parks and canyons of the West with Green Tortoise tours. The best thing is to have the time to do everything!
4. What else do you enjoy besides blogging?
I’m completely obsessed with gin, as you may have seen from the gin themed page of my blog!
5. Have you ever got sick while traveling?
I had a fever in Laos in Vang Vieng that left me in bed with paracetamol for 24 hours only eating banana smoothies (you know I’m ill when I can’t eat) – missing out on a second day of tubing ?
I also got pink eye on Koh Rong – a tropical island off of the Cambodian coast – it was really common so they had the medication on the island – phew!
6. Have you ever feared about something while traveling?
I’m not sure I’ve been scared of something as such, however one of the most stressful experiences was having to bribe our way out of Vietnam (the corruption helped us here!) when we overstayed our visa by accident (we are talking less than 24 hours!!)
7. When travelling, what is the first thing you do in order to save money?
Public transport – everything is measured with beer maths, as in how many beers could I save if I get the bus instead of getting a taxi!
8. Have you ever met with a fellow blogger while traveling?
No I haven’t! I’ve met loads of people from different walks of life though – it’s a great leveller.
9. What do you think about “travel flings”?
Why not! Have fun whilst travelling :
10. Have you ever had a “travel fling” of your own?
Yes and that’s all you need to know ;?
11. Anything else you would like to add for your readers?
I started blogging when I took a year off at Katie’s Year Off and when I came back to London I decided that didn’t fit anymore and so started this blog, which is more focused on my life in London, but with my passion for travel added in!
I’m nominating the following bloggers:
- Accept the nomination and answer the questions of the blogger who nominated you.
- Think of 11 new questions yourself.
- Nominate bloggers with under 1,000 followers to answer your questions.
- They write an article about this nomination on their blog and link back to the website of their nominator.
- Please remember to tag your nominator again when you share your article on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, so they can read your Liebster Award blog post.
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