My day job is based at the More London Place development – between London Bridge and Tower Bridge – so obviously I had to find the nearest gin bar to take my colleagues to, which turned out to be around the corner on Bermondsey Street – 214 Bermondsey to be precise. 214 is the address…
Search Results for: top three
Wimbledon 2015
My friend Antonia and managed to get tickets for Wimbledon this year – much excitement!! First view of the famous Wimbledon grounds Niether of us had ever been before so we were super physched up. We had only made plans to go the previous weekend and our strategy to get in was threefold: 1) Get…
Hendricks bus in Bath
It’s not a bus it’s MA’AM – the Mobile Academy of Alchemical Meanderings! Aka a bus Meandering around selling Hendricks cocktails for the tidy price of £4.50! Currently it’s in Bath for a gintastic bank holiday weekend. They are selling three different cocktails – including The Perfect Serve Hendricks and Tonic. This is obviously with…
Clean eating challenge
As those of you that follow me on Twitter & Instagram will know, I’ve been doing the Buzzfeed Food Clean Eating Challenge for the last two weeks. After a hectic few months at work – working late, with an hour commute and an injury stopping me exercising – I found myself putting on weight 🙁 Now that my…
The Bitter Truth….
It seems the latest craze for cocktails is to do away with sweet ones and instead to embrace bitter flavours. This was definitely seen at the London Cocktail Week French Themed close party at Bourne & Hollingsworth Buildings. All of these classic French aperitifs have a bitter edge – and then there was the absinthe…….
School of Wok bloggers event
Having caught up with my blog on the cooking post finally, I can now catch up on what I did over the last two weeks! This includes the event hosted by Gorkana at School of Wok – this is the first event I’ve been invited to for free (!) but also means it’s not something…
Tapas at the Opera Tavern
When my parents were in town last week to see Shakespeare in Love, which by the way they loved and thoroughly recommend, they took me to dinner afterwards. We met at the Opera Tavern for a tapas meal. I love the concept of tapas, being a greedy pig it appeals to be able to try…