As those of you that follow me on Twitter & Instagram will know, I’ve been doing the Buzzfeed Food Clean Eating Challenge for the last two weeks. After a hectic few months at work – working late, with an hour commute and an injury stopping me exercising – I found myself putting on weight 🙁 Now that my…
Search Results for: oliver conquest
The Sacred drink: Gin
After a long break, my first gin of the year at The Oliver Conquest was only on the 3rd March! I know over 2 months without a visit – I think that’s a record, at least for when I’ve actually been in the country. The first visit of the year coincided (not by accident) with…
Gin & Tonic cake
Last year I tasted gin and tonic cake for the first time at The Oliver Conquest, along with some scrumptious fruity gin truffles, but I took a long time to getting around to baking it myself! My first attempt was for the work bake-off before Christmas and all was going smoothly before I managed to…
Half Hitch Gin Cocktails
In December The Oliver Conquest’s gin of the month was a local one – Half Hitch from Camden – and I had the chance to taste it with Gin Club with a Reading Problem. This post is focused on the cocktails we drank that evening, so you can recreate them at home 🙂 Gin and…
Half Hitch Gin Tasting
New Year New Gin! The Half Hitch Gin tasting at The Oliver Conquest actually happened before Christmas, but its been so busy so I didn’t get a chance to post about it before now… Now I’m super excited about Half Hitch as it combines two of my passions – gin and Camden! Its made by…
Double whammy gin tasting!
November was the Oliver Conquest’s 4th birthday so it seemed fitting to have back to back gin tastings! Gin Club with a Reading Problem was well represented at both. November’s gin of the month was Ferdinand Saar and Eric had come all the way over from Germany for the tasting. Also up was one of Gin…
LCW volunteer reunion!
I’ve remained in contact with a few of the people I met whilst volunteering at London Cocktail Week – always useful to know people in bars, to get in, for free drinks etc… And we decided to meet up for some drinks, which quickly turned into a cocktail crawl in East London! We started out…
Gin Glorious Gin!
The lovely Sara at the Oliver Conquest gave me a copy of this book – Gin Glorious Gin, How Mother’s Ruin Became the Spirit of London. Immediately you can see what the attraction would be for me! Recently published, written by Olivia Williams, it’s a comprehensive history of gin, right up to the modern day. …
Greenhook Gin tasting
Greenhook gin is the gin of the month at the Oliver Conquest for October, so Gin Club with a Reading Problem decided to go along to the FREE gin tasting 🙂 Daniella from Amathus drinks gave us a brief talk about the history of gin and then Siobhan from the Oliver Conquest talked more specifically…
DF | Mexico & Gin-age
As my stalkers were in town pre Lee Evans comedy show and they came into Liverpool Street I took the opportunity to take them to DF Mexico at the back of the Old Truman Brewery on Hanbury Street. I’ve been dying to go here since they launched and finally I’ve made it!! DF stands for…